Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Nonfiction Books Reports Rock!

The students read nonfiction books to learn more about a topic of their choice.  We learned many interesting things from their reports. Check out some of their facts!
Did you know that rabbits' teeth don't stop growing or that a dog's sense of smell is 1,000 to 10, 000 times greater than a human's? I learned that the Australian Open is played on a blue court and that hamsters don't have belly buttons! The Lynx are called ghost cats and male lions need 15 pounds of meat per day.  
There are more cool facts from our books, such as, the Arctic Ocean is the coldest ocean. Pandas have 6 fingers. Pumice floats in water! Does your dad drive you to hockey practice?  Carey Price's dad got his pilot's license in order to fly him to the rink! Levi jeans were wore by miners during the Gold Rush. A big group of penguins is called a rookery.  Taylor Swift worked as a model before she started making records. Cats make more than 100 sounds!  Did you think they only purred? Dogs need to get vaccinations to protect them from diseases.

Velociraptors had a sickle on each foot.There are 2,500 types of snakes! Minerals and fertilizer help plants to grow.  Koalas sleep for as long as 20 hours each day.  That's a lot of sleep!  Cats have been around for 4,000 years. Grizzlies have poor eyesight.  The bombing of Pearl Harbor launched the USA into World War II, and 353 Japanese ships bombed Pearl Harbor.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Recorder Workshop

Today students watched a fun, interactive recorder concert with four musicians. 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Courage is...

This week we read a story about Ruby Bridges.  Ask your child to explain why Ruby was so brave. Today at our assembly, students shared what courage is to them.  Also, we kicked off our Pennies for Patients school fundraiser.  Check under those couches for loose change!